ICC INC-5 closing statement - ICC

ICC INC-5 closing statement – ICC

We extend our sincere gratitude to you, Mr Chair, to the INC Secretariat and to all Parties for the hard work and dedication to this process.

If there is one message, we would like to convey today, it is that the global business community at large remains resolutely and squarely behind the goal to secure an ambitious, effective and workable internationally legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution.

We were gratified to observe that Parties here at INC-5 have taken some important steps in the right direction and that the latest text presents the contours of a future agreement, with key elements to effectively address the plastic pollution crisis.

However, we recognize that some work remains, to work through outstanding areas of divergence, and to develop an instrument that is effective, implementable and fit for purpose.

We believe it is important to advance on the important work already established here and encourage Parties to continue with a sense of renewed purpose for this last mile.

It is our hope, and call, that the spirit of collaboration that gavelled the UNEA 5/14 resolution will prevail in delivering on its mandate and realise an agreement to spearhead the change our planet and people deserve.

The global business community has a critical role to play in providing the solutions that will be needed to address the challenge of plastic pollution.

However, businesses need an agreement that provides the enabling frameworks and policies to drive innovation and accelerate business action across all sectors and geographies. This will be indispensable for businesses to effectively deliver on the objectives of the agreement and spur impactful change.

We now look to Parties to build on the foundations set this week for an ambitious instrument that can help guide business actions and investments at the required scale and speed, across entire value chains, and enable business to become positive drivers of a circular economy for plastics.

Distinguished delegates,

Let us leave Busan standing steadfast and strong in our commitment.  We look forward to the fruitful discussions at a resumed session of the INC and stand ready to contribute. The mission is clear and we need to get the job done.

Thank you.

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