How business shaped the Internet Governance Forum 2024 - ICC

How business shaped the Internet Governance Forum 2024 – ICC

The Internet is evolving. And so must the way we govern it. This year’s theme “Building Our Multistakeholder Digital Future” emphasised the critical role of collaboration among all stakeholders to ensure the Internet benefits everyone, everywhere, every day. It focused on fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange to harness the potential of digital innovation, while addressing the challenges of rapid transformation.

Is your business affected by Internet governance?

Regardless of sector, size or location, all businesses are affected by Internet governance and policies, developed to ensure the stable functioning and sustainable growth of our digital world for business and people.

How business made a difference at #IGF2024

Represented by the Business Action to Support the Information Society (ICC BASIS) and ICC national committees, global business contributed to this year’s Internet policy decisions in several ways:

Provided business recommendations on pressing digital policy issues

ICC BASIS organised four public-facing sessions and presented papers on strengthened digital cooperation and driving interoperable approaches for data free flow with trust, evolving AI governance and protecting critical infrastructure.

The sessions called for action to:

  • Align existing global governance approaches through multistakeholder cooperation to address digital challenges, drive innovation and rebuild trust in international collaboration.
  • Create adaptable, interoperable adaptable policies that enable data free flow with trust while addressing privacy, security and fragmentation risks.
  • Adopt a future-proof, risk-based approach to AI governance that builds on existing frameworks, fosters collaboration and balances innovation with responsibility through context-specific, evidence-based policies.
  • Strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructures through aligned cybersecurity efforts, trust-based public-private partnerships, and global cooperation while avoiding policies that restrict innovation and data flows.

Forged powerful partnerships

ICC BASIS members also connected with key government delegations, international organisations, civil society and technical community partners to discuss the recently adopted Global Digital Compact which envisions a secure, human-centred digital future, and the 20-year review of the outcomes of the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) in 2025, setting new goals for the future of digital development and governance.

First-hand IGF insights from team ICC

‘’It was inspiring to see how engaged everyone was in discussions that prioritise a safe, inclusive Internet, with a focus on protecting the rights and well-being of individuals. Each meeting highlighted that the voice of business is both necessary and valued, and I look forward to seeing how we can leverage that voice as we go forward.’’ Jessica Reed, Global Policy Assistant, ICC

“The insights gained from the valuable dialogues at IGF 2024 will guide our work in advocating for clear, actionable policies that promote global cooperation. Together with our partners, we will focus on driving concrete steps to reduce policy fragmentation, enhance cybersecurity, enable trusted cross-border data flows and ensure the inclusive development, deployment and use of AI.” – Timea Suto, Global Digital Policy Lead, ICC

‘’With the collaborative model of the IGF set for review in 2025, a strong business presence at the 20th IGF in Norway next year will be crucial in demonstrating the value of multistakeholder cooperation in maintaining an open, trusted, and secure Internet.’’ – Meni Anastasiadou, Digital Policy Manager, ICC

Gearing up for the Internet Governance Forum 2025

As the only global forum allowing for everyone to discuss Internet governance and digital policy matters, the 2024 edition of the IGF brought together more than 7,000 participants from 144 countries and an additional 2,800+ online participants who engaged in over 300 sessions.

“As we conclude IGF 2024, it is clear that the multistakeholder approach remains essential in shaping the future of the digital economy. The dialogues we’ve had this week underscore the importance of strengthening its role as a platform for global multistakeholder cooperation. The challenges and opportunities in digital policy are too complex to address in isolation.” – ICC Honorary Chair Maria Fernanda Garza

The IGF will mark its 20th anniversary in Norway in June 2025. We will be there to keep advocating for an open, secure, stable and inclusive Internet and for a multistakeholder approach that gives a voice to everyone.

Contact the ICC BASIS Secretariat to learn more about the latest digital policy discussions at the IGF 2024.

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