3 reasons to submit your thesis for the ICC Institute Prize  - ICC

3 reasons to submit your thesis for the ICC Institute Prize  – ICC

Contributing to the understanding and progress of international commercial law around the world, the ICC Institute Prize recognises legal writing excellence and is open to anyone aged 40 years of age or under.

Here are three good reasons to submit your work:

1. Acknowledgement within a global network of leading dispute resolution professionals

Entries for the Prize are reviewed by a jury of specially selected members of the ICC Institute Council. The Laureate receives the award during a dedicated session at the ICC Institute Annual Conference, a valuable networking event taking place in Paris and attended by over 150 legal professionals.

Chair of the 2023 Institute Prize Jury and ICC Institute Emeritus Council member Nayla Comair-Obeid said:

“Each year, the winning thesis stands as a pinnacle of academic excellence, marked by impeccable organisation, deep analysis and original insights.”

2. Present your inventive ideas

The Institute Prize is a unique stage for you to showcase your innovative solutions to legal issues and share your research with our global business network. Together with the ICC Institute, you will be strengthening the links between the academic world and legal professionals.

ICC Institute Ex-Officio member Ercüment Erdem, Chair of the ICC Institute Prize Jury in 2017, said:

“The ICC Institute firmly believes in strengthening the connection between the academic and legal worlds. Through this award, we can stimulate new discussions and help advance the development of international commercial law.”

3. It’s (not) all about the money…

…but it is an extra incentive. Writing a thesis takes a lot of time and effort to effectively elaborate on your ideas. Thanks to our generous Prize sponsors, the ICC Institute presents the winner of the ICC Institute Prize with a cheque for €10,000.

All works competing must be a minimum of 150 pages, drafted in English or French, unpublished and completed less than two years prior to the date of submission. The deadline for applications is 7 April 2025.

Visit our dedicated page to learn more about the ICC Institute Prize and how to submit your entry.

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